Bweb Linux System Authentication Configuration – Active Directory (AD) – Centos/RHEL/OracleLinux

Install the necessary packages yum install sssd realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir adcli samba-common samba-common-tools krb5-workstation openldap-clients policycoreutils-python Integrate Active Directory by replacing it below with the address of yours realm join…

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JetStor and Bacula Enterprise Partnership

ACNC JetStor RAID, iSCSI, SAN & NAS The JetStor storage platforms integrate the fastest connectivity, architectures, processors with proven durability, plug’n play ease, and functionality like deduplication and tiering. JetStor…

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4Q/2017 Highlights

Bacula Firewall/NAT Transversing (Client Initiated Backups) Enterprise Bacula and the Gartner Leaders Atacadão/Carrefour Group Implements Enterprise Bacula KVM Hot Online Virtual Machines Backup with Bacula bpipe…

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Bacula Boss’s Report

Generate a spreadsheet containing a report of what Bacula save: jobname, fileset, pre-post scripts ecc. All written in a human readable's format. It's useful to generate periodic reports or when…

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