Automatic Server Installation with Bacula Enterprise Manager (CentOS, Debian etc.)

Install and execute bee_installation_manager Linux cd /root wget chmod +x bee_installation_manager ./bee_installation_manager -t DIR -fw -da %customer_id% -s bweb ./bee_installation_manager -t SD -fw -s dedup single-item-restore ./bee_installation_manager -t FD…

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Happy Holidays!

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Video: 9.4 Community Bacula Installation

Quick Guide: Video Classes: Bacula Book: Our Site: 9.4 Community Bacula Installation Bacula has two editions: the Enterprise and the Community (free). In today's video Heitor…

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Copy and Migration Jobs

Bacula Copy and Migration Jobs are great for moving data from old storage hardware backup to new, running disk-to-disk-to-tapes (disk to tape to tape) backups, or deploying a second off-site…

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Bweb EBacula Quick Guide

We have already seen how to install Enterprise Bacula exclusive graphical interface, the Bweb: Bacula Systems Repositories: Ad Hoc Packages: Once installed and accessible through the standard HTTP…

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