Happy Holidays!

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BWeb Linux System UBUNTU with Active Directory using CID Authentication Configuration

Por: Lender Gomes – Esp. em Redes Linux linkedin.com/in/lendersavio/ lendersavio@gmail.com To join the Domain we will use the Closed In Directory (CID) project which is a Shell Script solution that…

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Bacula Centos/RHEL Enterprise and Bacula.org Packages Update via yum

You must upgrade the Director and the Storage Daemon at the same time and always to a common version. However, customers can be upgraded gradually. in other words: Director and…

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Bacula Backups Replication for a Secondary Standalone Director

There are several ways to replicate metadata and backup jobs to alternative sites by Bacula. You can use PostgreSQL replication for the Catalog, Backup jobs, or even third-party solutions such…

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Bweb EBacula Quick Guide

We have already seen how to install Enterprise Bacula exclusive graphical interface, the Bweb: Bacula Systems Repositories: http://bacula.us/bacula-enterprise-automated-install-script-for-centos-7/ Ad Hoc Packages: http://bacula.us/bacula-enterprise-ad-hoc-centosrhel-7-packages-install/ Once installed and accessible through the standard HTTP…

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BCloud’s Self-Service Interface and its Infinite Possibilities (BaaS)

Learn how to sell backup service to your customers with BCloud. With BCloud, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), backup providers as well as service providers and web hosting companies can offer…

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Linux Bare Metal Recovery Enterprise Bacula Plugin Quick Guide

This Quick Guide presents techniques and strategies for restoring a complete physical, virtual or even cloud machines using the Linux Bare Metal Recovery Enterprise Bacula Plugin. Bare Metal Recovery (BMR), is…

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