Bacula Enterprise Edition is currently the backup system with the most innovative features and the most support of applications and platforms worldwide, in both the Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, Android and iOS families.
See the most important released features for the 12.8.x update, as follows.
Microsoft 365 Plugin
Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based software solution offered by Microsoft as a service. It is intended to be used by customers who want to externalize their businesses services like email, collaboration, video conferencing, file sharing, and others.
The Bacula Systems M365 Plugin is designed to handle the following pieces of the Microsoft 365 galaxy:
- Granular Exchange Online Mailboxes
- OneDrive for Business and Sharepoint Document libraries
- Sharepoint Sites
- Contacts/People
- Calendars
- Events
The Plugin has many advanced features, including:
- Microsoft Graph API based backups
- Multi-service backup in the same task
- Multi-service parallelization capabilities
- Multi-thread single service processes
- Generation of user-friendly report for restore operations
- Network resiliency mechanisms
- Latest Microsoft Authentication mechanisms
- Discovery/List/Query capabilities
- Restore objects to Microsoft 365 (to original entity or to any other entity)
- Restore any object to filesystem
- Incremental and Differential backup level
- …
Please see the Bacula Enterprise M365 Plugin whitepaper for more information.
Bacula Enterprise Ansible Collection
Ansible Collections are a new and flexible standard to distribute content like playbooks and roles. This new format helps to easily distribute and automate your environment. These pre-packaged collections can also be modified to meet the needs of your environment, especially by using templates and variables.
Our Bacula Enterprise Ansible Collection will help you to easily deploy Directors, Clients, and Storages in your environment. Since Bacula Enterprise Edition version 12.6.4, a new option was introduced to the BWeb configuration split script to allow the configuration to be “re-split” when deploying new resources with the Bacula Enterprise Ansible Collection playbooks.
Our collection will create configuration files that can be integrated to your current BWeb configuration by using the tests/re-split-configuration.yml playbook provided in the collection. This is useful to know and use when BWeb is being used to manage your Bacula Enterprise environment.
We strongly recommend to use the BWeb configuration split script if you use Bacula Enterprise Ansible Collection to deploy new Clients and Storages and your Bacula Enterprise environment uses BWeb to manage configuration files, because it will check if all the resources being added to the current BWeb structure are correctly defined.
Bacula Enterprise plugins can also be deployed using the Ansible Collection. Please adapt the templates provided to take advantage of the specific configuration needs of your environment.
More information about Ansible Galaxy Collections may be found in a blog post called “Getting Started With Ansible Content Collections” available on the official Ansible website here:
The Bacula Enterprise Edition Ansible Collection is publicly availabe in Ansible Galaxy:
Storage Group
It is now possible to access more than one Storage resource for each Job/Pool. Storage can be specified as a comma separated list of Storage resources to use.
Along with specifying a storage list it is now possible to specify Storage Group Policy which will be used for accessing the list elements. If no policy is specified, Bacula always tries to take first available Storage from the list. If the first few storage daemons are unavailable due to network problems; broken or unreachable for some other reason, Bacula will take the first one from the list (sorted according to the policy used) which is network reachable and healthy.
Currently supported policies are:
- ListedOrder
- – This is the default policy, which uses first available storage from the list provided
- LeastUsed
- – This policy scans all storage daemons from the list and chooses the one with the least number of jobs being currently run
Storage Groups can be used as follows (as a part of Job and Pool resources):
Job { ... Storage = File1, File2, File3 ... } Pool { ... Storage = File4, File5, File6 StorageGroupPolicy = LeastUsed ... }
When a Job or Pool with Storage Group is used, the user can observe some messages related to the choise of Storage such as:
messages 31-maj 19:23 VBox-dir JobId 1: Start Backup JobId 1, Job=StoreGroupJob.2021-05-31_19.23.36_03 31-maj 19:23 VBox-dir JobId 1: Possible storage choices: "File1, File2" 31-maj 19:23 VBox-dir JobId 1: Storage daemon "File1" didn't accept Device "FileChgr1-Dev1" because: 3924 Device "FileChgr1-Dev1" not in SD Device resources or no matching Media Type or is disabled. 31-maj 19:23 VBox-dir JobId 1: Selected storage: File2, device: FileChgr2-Dev1, StorageGroupPolicy: "ListedOrder"
XenServer Single Item Restore
It is now possible to restore individual files from XenServer Virtual Machine backups. The XenServer Single File Restore whitepaper provides information about it.
HyperV VSS Single Item Restore
It is now possible to restore individual files from HyperV VSS Virtual Machine backups. The HyperV Single File Restore whitepaper provides information about it.
New HyperV Plugin
Hyper-V implements a VSS writer on all versions of Windows Server where Hyper-V is supported. This VSS writer allows developers to utilize the existing VSS infrastructure to backup virtual machines to Bacula using the Bacula Enterprise VSS Plugins.
Starting in Windows Server 2016, Hyper-V also supports backup through the Hyper-V WMI API. This approach still utilizes VSS inside the virtual machine for backup purposes, but no longer uses VSS in the host operating system. It allows individual Guest VMs to be backuped up separately and incrementally. This approach is more scalable than using VSS in the host, however it is only available on Windows Server 2016 and later. The new Bacula Enterprise Hyper-V Plugin “hv” uses this technology for backup and restore to/from Bacula.
The Microsoft HyperV whitepaper provides more information.
VMWare vSphere Plugin Enhancements
vSphere Permissions
The vsphere-ctl command can now check the permissions of the current user on the vCenter system and diagnose issues if any are detected.
/opt/bacula/bin/vsphere-ctl query list_missing_permissions
It is now possible to manage the vsphere_global.conf parameter file with the vsphere-ctl config * command.
- – vsphere-ctl config create
- creates an entry inside vsphere_global.conf
- – vsphere-ctl config delete
- deletes an entry inside vsphere_global.conf
- – vsphere-ctl config list
- lists all entries inside vsphere_global.conf
/opt/bacula/bin/vsphere-ctl config create [root@localhost bin]# ./vsphere-ctl config create Enter url: Enter user: administrator@vsphere.local Enter password: Connecting to ""... OK: successful connection Select an ESXi host to backup: 1) 2) Select host: 1 Computing thumbprint of host "" OK: thumbprint for "" is 04:24:24:13:3C:AD:63:84:A1:9F:E5:14:82 OK: added entry [192_168_0_8] to ../etc/vsphere_global.conf
BWeb Management Suite
Event Dashboard
BWeb Management Suite has a new dashboard to browse Bacula events stored in the catalog.
OpenShift Plugin
The Bacula Enterprise OpenShift Plugin is now certified and available directly from the Redhat OpenShift system.
Please see the OpenShift whitepaper for more information.
SAP HANA 1.50 Support
The Bacula Enterprise SAP HANA Plugin is now certified with the SAP HANA 1.50 protocol version (SAP HANA 2 SP5).
Network Buffer Management
The new SDPacketCheck FileDaemon directive can be used to control the network flow in some specific use cases.
IBM Lintape Driver (BETA)
The new Use Lintape Storage Daemon directive has been added to support the Lintape Kernel driver.
Windows Storage Daemon Support
The Storage Daemon is now supported on Windows platforms for the disk Device type.
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